EXHIBITION | The Camonian collection of Carvalho Monteiro on the 5th Centenary of Camões

EXHIBITION | The Camonian collection of Carvalho Monteiro on the 5th Centenary of Camões
LOCAL: MU.SA – Museum of Arts of Sintra ACCESS: Free Entry
DATE: 18/01/202519/04/2025 SCHEDULE: Tuesday to Friday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM; Closed on Mondays

MU.SA – Museum of Arts of Sintra

The temporary exhibition of the Camonian collection of António Augusto de Carvalho Monteiro (1848-1920) is organized by Fundação Cultursintra FP and will be held at MU.SA – Museum of Arts of Sintra, from 18 January to 19 April 2025, with the aim of integrating the celebrations of the 500 years since the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões (1524-1580).

Considered the most complete and relevant Camonian collection of the 19th century, this exhibition seeks to reconstruct Carvalho Monteiro's bibliographic and iconographic collection, now dispersed among private and public collections at a national and international level through solid historical-artistic research.

Featuring numerous artistic objects and original documents that have never been publicly presented, the event will showcase a selection of unpublished paintings and drawings by Domingos Sequeira, Metrass, Casanova, Sendim, Cifka, and Lubin David, among others. Among these highlight pieces, in addition to all editions of the poet's work since 1572, there is also a highly faithful copy of the first portrait of the poet and the first bust of Luís de Camões signed by Jules Droz.

This is thus a major exhibition that involves materials from the Museum of Lisbon, the National Library of Portugal, the National Archive of Torre do Tombo, the Braganza House Foundation, the Cultursintra Foundation, the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra, and the Library of Congress (USA), among other entities and private collections.

Exhibition image:

Luís de Camões

Enrique Casanova (1850-1913), 1880
Watercolor on paper
Camoniana Carvalho Monteiro
Library of Congress, Washington D.C